Our home building values come from a very specific place and time.

On Values and Superpowers: Cutting the Grass – a life lesson that spans generations.
I learned the importance of taking your time to execute perfection at a very young age
Brandon & Grandpa Adam Fuchs When I was old enough to walk my grandpa put me to work. Whether it was helping him cut the grass, trim the trees or work on his cars, I was always by his side. His name was Adam Fuchs, he was an incredible man and he was my person.

On October 28, 2022 my grandpa would have been 103 years old. He passed away 18 years ago and we celebrated his passing on March 8, 2022.

Some of the most vivid memories of my grandpa includes conversations between he and I about how to cut the grass and what speed to be walking.
Brandon you need to slow down, if you are running like that the grass won’t get cut properly and your lines won’t be accurate, take your time and do a good job,” Adam would say to me.
I think it looks just fine grandpa,” I would always say. For I would be moving as fast as possible and I knew that I’d be getting $5.00 when I finished. Then I could go across the street to the corner store and pick up some bottle pops. Yes, I’m that old they still had pop in glass bottles… orange crush was my favourite!

Lawn Mower

Now in my 40s and looking back at this life lesson, my grandpa was actually teaching me that patience and consistency produces amazing results. And this is where our home building values find their origin.

(Freaking deadly grass cutting skills right!?)
I’ve implemented a lot of these life lessons into my business while focussing on high-quality, consistency and execution. I believe it’s very important, not only when you’re cutting grass but also when you’re doing anything – that you executed at the best level you possibly can. If you’re considering calling yourself a professional in any industry then you damn well better be the best at it right?! Listen, learn, get better, repeat!
The important lesson learned then was that if you slow down just a little and focus on your execution the end product will shine.

If you know me, you know that I’m not doing anything slowly. I’m usually moving 1000 miles a minute in 17 different directions, completing as much as I possibly can every day. That being said, I’ve learned to incorporate executing quality efficiently and will consistently produce a great product. That has a lot to do with having an incredible team.

I’ve always been like this. That doesn’t mean I don’t need to slow down because I do some days. But that’s why I surround myself with incredible people so that we can consistently deliver exceptional results!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog post. My team and I will be putting out some great information for you that’s focussed on our superpowers!

Have a great day try and start somebody’s day off positively today with a kind gesture or a smile it will go a long way!


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